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Plan three months in advance!

If you are trying to have a baby or just thinking about it, this is the best time to start getting ready for pregnancy. Planning for pregnancy two to three months ahead offers numerous benefits for couples. It is important to follow a few steps to ensure a healthy safe pregnancy. Planning and preparing for pregnancy involves several key steps for couples.

1. Health check-ups for Husbands & wives planning for a baby.

Before conceiving, assess the health of both you and your partner comprehensively. Schedule preconception check-ups to address any medical issues and optimize health. Conduct screenings for genetic disorders, sexually transmitted infections, chronic conditions like diabetes and thyroid or any other medical concerns. Ensure both partners maintain a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition, exercise, and emotional well-being for successful conception and pregnancy.

2. Modifying Lifestyles if you are thinking of having a child.

Before conception, you and your partner should modify your lifestyle to optimize fertility and promote a healthy pregnancy. This includes maintaining a balanced diet, engaging in regular exercise, quitting smoking and drinking alcohol, managing stress, and getting enough sleep. These changes enhance the chances of successful conception and a smooth pregnancy journey.

Read more about how to get pregnant

Tips to Boost Fertility in Women:- You can boost your fertility by adopting healthy habits like a balanced diet, regular exercise, stress management, and avoiding harmful substances. If you have been struggling to conceive, consult a gynecologist to identify underlying issues such as hormonal imbalances or genetic factors, ensuring
the best approach for improving fertility.

Ways to Boost Fertility in Women: Adopting a healthier lifestyle can significantly boost fertility. Stop smoking, alcohol and limit caffeine as they interfere with ovulation and lower fertility. Also avoid heavy-duty, vigorous exercises, instead go for regular, moderate workouts to get pregnant quicker.

3. Plan your life before having a baby!

Planning life before having a baby is crucial for a smooth transition into parenthood. Couples should discuss and align their goals, including career aspirations, financial stability, and family dynamics. Evaluating emotional readiness and support systems is vital. Creating a budget, considering childcare options, and adjusting living arrangements prepares couples practically. Prioritizing self-care, nurturing the relationship, and maintaining open communication fosters resilience. Anticipating challenges and being flexible prepares you better for parenthood.
Thoughtful planning lays a strong foundation for a fulfilling and harmonious family life.

4. Know best age to get pregnant? Timing your pregnancy

You and your partner should plan for a baby when both of you’ll feel emotionally, financially, and mentally prepared for parenthood. Factors such as stability in relationships, career goals, and support networks should be considered. There is really no ‘best time’ but readiness and preparation play pivotal roles in welcoming a new addition to the family. The best age to get pregnant or have a baby varies for individuals, considering factors like fertility, career aspirations, and personal readiness. Generally, women in their 20s to early 30s may have optimal fertility and lower pregnancy risks. However, the best age is subjective and depends on each person’s circumstances and preferences.

5. Know your Fertility window – Timing your pregnancy!

The fertility window, typically most positive time for pregnancy, occurs around ovulation, which happens midway through the menstrual cycle for most women, usually between days 10 to 14 of a 28-day phase. It marks the release of a mature egg from the ovary, maximizing the chances of fertilization. Timing intercourse during this period increases the chances of conception.

6. Know when to see a Fertility Expert- Timing your pregnancy!

Couples should consider seeing a fertility specialist if they have been actively trying to conceive for one year without success, especially if the woman is under 35 years old. For women over 35, consultation is recommended after six months of unsuccessful attempts due to declining fertility with age. Male partners should see a fertility expert if they experience issues with sperm count, or motility. A fertility specialist can offer personalized advice and offer possible treatment options to help you conceive quickly.

7. Fertility Chance – Visit a Gynac

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) 1 in 6 people globally affected by infertility showing the urgent need to increase access to affordable, high-quality care or those in need. Generally, around 85% of couples conceive within one year of trying. However, fertility declines with age, and factors like underlying health conditions or lifestyle choices can affect fertility rates in individuals.

8. Prevent Risks and Abnormalities during pregnancy – Consult Gynac

When trying for a baby, couples should be aware of potential risks and abnormalities such as infertility, miscarriage, genetic disorders, and birth defects. Age-related fertility decline, hormonal imbalances, and lifestyle factors like smoking or obesity can increase these risks, necessitating proactive preconception care and screenings for symptoms.

9. Know Tests before Pregnancy- Consult Gynac

Before conceiving, both you and your partner should undergo preconception tests with a gynacologist. These may include screenings for sexually transmitted infections, blood tests to check immunity to certain diseases. Husbands should consider undergoing semen analysis to assess sperm count and quality b. Both should undergo a general health assessment to address any concerns that could impact fertility or pregnancy outcomes.

Tips to Improve Chances of Pregnancy: Firstly, both partners should adopt a healthy lifestyle, including balanced nutrition and regular exercise to optimise fertility. Your reproductive health today is actually the product of your health diet, lifestyle and environment two to three months earlier.

The best time for you to get pregnant is when you are physically, emotionally, mentally, and financially ready.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to Improve Fertility in Women?

To plan for a baby, it’s important to know your fertile days. Use ovulation apps or kits, which are
widely available in India, to find the best time for conception.

What Can a Woman Take to Boost Fertility?

Supplements like folic acid, Vitamin D, and CoQ10 are believed to boost fertility and benefit overall
health. In India, it’s important to take these supplements only under a doctor’s prescription to
ensure safe and effective use.

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